Italy’s death toll from the novel coronavirus topped 20,000 on Monday but its number of critically ill patients dropped for the tenth successive day.
Reported by France 24 8 hours ago.
Italy's Covid-19 death toll tops 20,000
Italy's daily coronavirus cases decline, deaths rise
Deaths from the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy rose by 566 on Monday, up from 431 the day before, but the number of new cases slowed to 3,153 from a previous 4,092.
Reported by Reuters India 8 hours ago.
Serie A plan to end season in August following UEFA agreement

Putin: Coronavirus situation in Russia is getting worse

; Reported by Jerusalem Post 8 hours ago.
↧ | International Covid-19 update: Virus 'ten times worse than swine flu', 20 000 dead in Italy
The novel coronavirus is 10 times more deadly than swine flu, which caused a global pandemic in 2009, the World Health Organization has warned, and other updates.
Reported by News24 8 hours ago.
VIRUS DIARY: Connecting to the world from a balcony in Rome
ROME (AP) — Balconies are a kind of extension of a window on the world. During Month One of lockdown in Italy, stepping out onto mine kept me connected to a drastically shrunken daily universe. Like millions of others these weeks in Italy, I am working from home, part of nationwide efforts to contain coronavirus’ […]
Reported by Seattle Times 5 hours ago.
Pope makes surprise call to religious sister treating coronavirus patients
Vatican City, Apr 13, 2020 / 01:00 pm (CNA).- Pope Francis made a surprise phone call after the Easter Vigil to a religious sister treating coronavirus patients as a doctor on call in the hard-hit Italian region of Bergamo.
Dr. Angel Bipendu, a member of the Sisters of the Redeemer, has been working on the front line of Italy’s coronavirus crisis in Lombardy as part of a special care unit making home visits to people with COVID-19 symptoms in full protective gear.
On Holy Saturday, Bipendu answered the phone at the emergency medical service in Villa d’Almè to an unexpected voice. Fr. Giorgio Carobbio, head of Almè Oratory, confirmed for CNA the following account.
“I am calling from Vatican City, I would like to thank all of you and Sister Bipendu for what you are doing,” the person on the phone said.
To which the sister responded: “This is she, but ... are you Pope Francis?"
“It is I, I would like to compliment you for what you do, also for your testimony of faith,” Pope Francis said, adding that he would like to see her after the pandemic.
Bipendu, originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, studied medicine in Palermo, and has lived in Italy for 16 years. She formerly served migrants on an Italian Rescue Corps of the Order of Malta rescue vessel in the Mediterreanean.
“When I do my job as a doctor and I visit the patients, at first they look at me a little surprised, they can see that I am not a traditional doctor. I let them have that, and then I introduce myself, I tell them I am not only a doctor but a nun, and their attitude changes in a positive way,” Bipendu told AFP.
More than half of the 20,465 coronavirus fatalities documented by Italy’s Ministry of Health have been in the northern Italian region of Lombardy, where Bipendu is working.
In the Diocese of Bergamo in Lombardy, 25 priests have died after contracting COVID-19.
With more than 100,000 people currently infected with the coronavirus in Italy, the country will remain under a national lockdown until at least May 3.
Throughout Holy Week, Pope Francis repeatedly expressed his gratitude to medical workers and religious serving the suffering.
In his Regina Coeli address on April 13, Pope Francis recognized women working in the medical field to serve others during the health crisis.
“Today I would like to recall with you what many women do, even during this health crisis, to take care of others: women doctors, nurses, law enforcement officers and prison officers, employees of shops for basic necessities,” Pope Francis said. Reported by CNA 6 hours ago.
Dr. Angel Bipendu, a member of the Sisters of the Redeemer, has been working on the front line of Italy’s coronavirus crisis in Lombardy as part of a special care unit making home visits to people with COVID-19 symptoms in full protective gear.
On Holy Saturday, Bipendu answered the phone at the emergency medical service in Villa d’Almè to an unexpected voice. Fr. Giorgio Carobbio, head of Almè Oratory, confirmed for CNA the following account.
“I am calling from Vatican City, I would like to thank all of you and Sister Bipendu for what you are doing,” the person on the phone said.
To which the sister responded: “This is she, but ... are you Pope Francis?"
“It is I, I would like to compliment you for what you do, also for your testimony of faith,” Pope Francis said, adding that he would like to see her after the pandemic.
Bipendu, originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, studied medicine in Palermo, and has lived in Italy for 16 years. She formerly served migrants on an Italian Rescue Corps of the Order of Malta rescue vessel in the Mediterreanean.
“When I do my job as a doctor and I visit the patients, at first they look at me a little surprised, they can see that I am not a traditional doctor. I let them have that, and then I introduce myself, I tell them I am not only a doctor but a nun, and their attitude changes in a positive way,” Bipendu told AFP.
More than half of the 20,465 coronavirus fatalities documented by Italy’s Ministry of Health have been in the northern Italian region of Lombardy, where Bipendu is working.
In the Diocese of Bergamo in Lombardy, 25 priests have died after contracting COVID-19.
With more than 100,000 people currently infected with the coronavirus in Italy, the country will remain under a national lockdown until at least May 3.
Throughout Holy Week, Pope Francis repeatedly expressed his gratitude to medical workers and religious serving the suffering.
In his Regina Coeli address on April 13, Pope Francis recognized women working in the medical field to serve others during the health crisis.
“Today I would like to recall with you what many women do, even during this health crisis, to take care of others: women doctors, nurses, law enforcement officers and prison officers, employees of shops for basic necessities,” Pope Francis said. Reported by CNA 6 hours ago.
Bigots are spreading conspiracy theories that gay people caused coronavirus using an old video from a Brazilian carnival
Social media users are claiming that LGBT+ people caused Italy’s coronavirus outbreak by holding a “gay conference” – but it never actually happened. Video footage that social media users claim shows the “gay conference” has been shared thousands of times on Facebook, Instagram and...
Reported by PinkNews 6 hours ago.
Why WHO tag of community spread means little
Countries like Italy and Spain with more than 1.5 lakh Covid-19 cases and thousands of deaths each are not classified as being in the community transmission stage in the WHO’s daily situation reports. And yet, Syria with just 25 cases and two deaths is in this stage. Starting Apr 9, the WHO reports what countries themselves define as their stage of transmission.
Reported by IndiaTimes 5 hours ago.
Why WHO tag of community spread doesn’t mean much
Countries like Italy and Spain with more than 1.5 lakh Covid-19 cases and thousands of deaths each are not classified as being in the community transmission stage in the WHO’s daily situation reports. And yet, Syria with just 25 cases and two deaths is in this stage. Starting Apr 9, the WHO reports what countries themselves define as their stage of transmission.
Reported by IndiaTimes 5 hours ago.
Europe’s hardest-hit extend lockdowns but plan reopenings
Macron follows Italy in continuing restrictions but joins Spain in signalling loosening
Reported by 4 hours ago.
NASCAR driver suspended for racial slur during virtual race
The race was a simulation of the Monza circuit in Italy and Kyle Larson had trouble with his microphone.
Reported by Brisbane Times 59 minutes ago.
Italians stuck at home are measuring light pollution for ‘science on the balcony’
The fact that so many people are stuck at home makes for strange opportunities. Italy’s confined populace has taken to singing from the balconies — and now researchers are asking them to use those same balconies to help accomplish a bit of citizen science. The project, created by the Italian National Research Council, aims to […]
Reported by TechCrunch 3 hours ago.
COVID-19 Killing Doctors: Paralysis Of Health Services? – OpEd
Deaths of doctors during the coronavirus pandemic have been haunting the pandemic world . Generally, the elderly and wise people used to say a doctor is second to none other than God. Death of one doctor is not only a death of one doctor, rather it implies one death means equal to deaths of hundred, thousand or a lac people depending upon the availability of one doctor per capita in a particular country. Death of a doctor in general and during the corona virus in particular, has become a serious cause of concern for the human race. There are many reports appearing in the media that doctors are being died due to direct infection by the coronavirus or indirectly by the coronavirus patients. Has the concept of doctor second to God been changing? The doctor who was supposed to bring out the patients from the jaws of death, not able to protect himself. Does it refer to the lack of a medical healthcare system? Perhaps, it raises the alarm and alert of paradoxes and paralysis of the healthcare systems prevalent in the respective countries.
The pandemics have plagued the human race since recorded history. With the transformation of the society from hunting the to settled agrarian communities, the scale and substances of these pandemics had increased exponentially. As the more development took place, the civilized human race had become more vulnerable to such pandemics. The argument can be substantiated taking into account deaths caused by the pandemics. During the last couple of centuries, the human race has been witnessed many pandemics, caused deaths amounts to 5 mil by Antonine Plague, 165-180 AD; 1 mil (Japanese smallpox, 735-737); 30-40 mil (Plague of Justinian, 541-542); 200 mil (Black Death, 1347-1351); 56 mil (New World Smallpox Outbreak, 1520 – onwards); 1 mil (Italian Plague, 1629-1631); 1 mil (Cholera Pandemics 1-6, 1817-1923): 40-50 mil (Spanish Flu, 1918-1919); 25-35 mil (HIV/AIDS, 1981-present) etc. The pandemics like Swine Flu, SAARS, Ebola, MERS and COVID-19 are of recent origin have put the medical and paramedical staff on high alert as well as their increased health risks and their own safety as well.
Coronavirus-19 which originated in Wuhan, Hubei (China) in December, 2019 and within a very short span of time, has entrapped the whole world. China, Italy, Spain, the US, UK, Iran have been among the worst affected countries. The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has impacted about 200 countries resulting in more than one lakh deaths and more than one and half million infected cases. In this situation, the role of healthcare professional becomes of prime importance. However, the health professions are becoming vulnerable and deaths of medical and paramedical staff have been taking place, lowering the morale of the health working staff amid the fighting with the Covd-19.
The outbreak of COVID-19 is being equated with war and healthcare staff as frontline fighters and heroes. Taking stock of the situation and realizing the severity and gravity of the same, the current outbreak of COVID-19 has been declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. As a frontline healthcare worker, doctors, nurses and allied staff have been engaged on war footing to take care of the infected patients putting themselves at high level risk of infection and even to the extent of death. How a doctor is being infected, that is the worrisome question for a common man? Is it happening due to the lack of PPE or severity of the virus? But anyway, it is the sadistic part of the story in the backdrop of the Covid-19 that has been taking a heavy toll on the medical fraternity.
The International Health Emergency is becoming more critical at this juncture, when a lot of voices of resistance, criticism have been emerging on part of the medical community. In many countries including the Western ones, doctors and nurses have been putting up their papers for resignations. These healthcare staff have been asked to do their duties without the PPE. Even the nurses reported that the senior doctors are not attending the patients without PPE, rather only the assistant staff have been asked to do the same. Additionally, the doctors and nurses have been working day long and day nights, indirectly impacting their own health as well.
The WHO (Report 2006), had underlined the gravity of the healthcare professional shortage. It stated that there is worldwide lack of 4.3 million healthcare professionals including the doctors, midwives, nurses and support workers. About 36 out of 57 African countries have been facing severe shortage of the healthcare professionals. Even the developed countries like the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany etc have also been facing the severe shortage, citing the reason of international migration including the limited capacity of existing medical institutions. What are the implications in case of shortage of medical and paramedical staff exist in almost all the countries? Shortage of medical and paramedical staff affect the quality of the medical care of the citizens, increased workload directly affecting doctors and indirectly the patients safety; costly healthcare system due to less competition; and ultimately leading to the untimely deaths of the patients even after spending a lot of money as capacity allows.
China was reported as the first country, where the report of doctor’s death due to the corona infection made the main headline in the print and electronic media. Gradually, the doctors and nurses in many countries have died while attending the coronavirus affected patients. As per the report of Newsweek (10 April), more than 200 doctors, nurses and healthcare workers have died combating with the coronavirus across the world including the most affected countries like China, Italy, Spain, US, UK, France, Iran etc. Italy is being an epicenter of the coronavirus deaths, has been standing on the top of death list. About 120 death of doctors and nurses have taken place in Italy; followed by 24 (Indonesia); 19 (UK); 13(China); 12 (Iran); 11(Spain); 5 (France): 02 (US): 1 (Greece); 1(Poland) ; 1 (Pakistan) 2 (India) etc. The most serious situation in this respect is the case of Italy, where more than 100 doctors and 30 nurses and nursing assistants have died due to infection from the coronavirus patients. In the UK, it becomes a double disadvantage when the doctors and nurses have been dying from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME).
At this juncture, it is difficult to say with certainty, the curse of corona how long it will take? How long will it take to reach its peak and how many people would come in its trap? But it’s for sure that most of the governments have knelt down before the monster of corona. Until now, there is upward trends in the deaths due to the corona infection, Starting from a few hundred deaths given the coronavirus, the same has reached to 117,586 and 1,888,975 as confirmed cases. The major paradox is that developed countries come on the top of death list. The US is standing at the top with 22,877 deaths; followed by Italy -20,465; Spain -17,489; France-14,393; UK-11,329; Iran 4,585; Belgium-3,903; China whereas coronavirus is originated, deaths amounted to 3,341.
Generally, it is being argued that the coronavirus has still been under control in the developing countries, which is barely digestible. The rationale of the argument is that the testing of the coronavirus cases has not been carried out at the mass level due to the lack of testing kits. Whereas the developed countries have become hotspot and epicenters of the coronavirus cases due to tests at the major level if not at all mass level. To me, it seems that it is something paradoxical, where health security and the system are being proclaimed as the fundamental rights of the citizens could become hotspot and epicenters over the developing countries where the ratio of doctors per capita is very low as compared to the developed countries.
One more paradox emerges in this critical situation. If neoliberal system is so generous, how the neo/liberal countries, that are the strong advocates of liberal system, have been facing the shortage of basic healthcare PPE systems including the doctors and nurses? Why, even minuscule part of the medical community raising their resistance and criticism for the lack of PPE and why these people have been putting up their papers for resignation, at the time when their services are of prime importance for national/health/personal security?
Most important paradox is increasing the suicidal tendencies among the doctors/nurses/nursing assistants. As per the study of Hawton et. al., (2011), the suicide risk has been increased in certain occupational groups in general and especially in the medical-related professions. The major highlight of the study of Bachmann (2018) underlines the gravity of situation that the female doctors have higher suicide rates than men whereas in common people it is in reverse order. The major causes responsible for doctors/nurses suicides vary but the share common ones such as are patients’ cares, heavy workload, lack of autonomy, work-family conflicts etc.
Deaths of doctors/nurses/nursing assistants simply means, the health care systems of the developed/developing countries have become paralyzed. It is one the noblest professions, and if these people have not only been leaving the services rather many of them putting up their papers for resignation, it raises serious alarms and alerts for the governments to rethink the existing health care systems. The doctors/nurses who are supposed to take care of patients, if they per se have been suffering from suicidal syndromes, how can patients be taken care of?
Therefore, it is suggested that the shortage of the doctors/nurses must be taken care of by the respective governments. These people should be provided with adequate protective equipment. Working loads of doctors/nurses may be set proportionally to maintain the balance between profession and family. Efforts are to be made to set the identical working/services conditions to avoid the team conflict and differences between doctors and nurses.
Of course, moral values may be given an important place in the medical profession curriculum to keep them in high spirit, avoid suicidal syndromes and to promote the concept of selfless service. The important point in this respect is that medical education is to be made cheaper, so that it would be accessible to the marginalized people. One can hope, by taking these steps, paralyzed health system may be revived and the untimely death of doctors along with patients deaths can be made preventable.
**Dr. Bawa Singh* is teaching at the Centre for South and Central Asian Studies, School of Global Relations, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India.
The post COVID-19 Killing Doctors: Paralysis Of Health Services? – OpEd appeared first on Eurasia Review. Reported by Eurasia Review 1 hour ago.
The pandemics have plagued the human race since recorded history. With the transformation of the society from hunting the to settled agrarian communities, the scale and substances of these pandemics had increased exponentially. As the more development took place, the civilized human race had become more vulnerable to such pandemics. The argument can be substantiated taking into account deaths caused by the pandemics. During the last couple of centuries, the human race has been witnessed many pandemics, caused deaths amounts to 5 mil by Antonine Plague, 165-180 AD; 1 mil (Japanese smallpox, 735-737); 30-40 mil (Plague of Justinian, 541-542); 200 mil (Black Death, 1347-1351); 56 mil (New World Smallpox Outbreak, 1520 – onwards); 1 mil (Italian Plague, 1629-1631); 1 mil (Cholera Pandemics 1-6, 1817-1923): 40-50 mil (Spanish Flu, 1918-1919); 25-35 mil (HIV/AIDS, 1981-present) etc. The pandemics like Swine Flu, SAARS, Ebola, MERS and COVID-19 are of recent origin have put the medical and paramedical staff on high alert as well as their increased health risks and their own safety as well.
Coronavirus-19 which originated in Wuhan, Hubei (China) in December, 2019 and within a very short span of time, has entrapped the whole world. China, Italy, Spain, the US, UK, Iran have been among the worst affected countries. The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has impacted about 200 countries resulting in more than one lakh deaths and more than one and half million infected cases. In this situation, the role of healthcare professional becomes of prime importance. However, the health professions are becoming vulnerable and deaths of medical and paramedical staff have been taking place, lowering the morale of the health working staff amid the fighting with the Covd-19.
The outbreak of COVID-19 is being equated with war and healthcare staff as frontline fighters and heroes. Taking stock of the situation and realizing the severity and gravity of the same, the current outbreak of COVID-19 has been declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. As a frontline healthcare worker, doctors, nurses and allied staff have been engaged on war footing to take care of the infected patients putting themselves at high level risk of infection and even to the extent of death. How a doctor is being infected, that is the worrisome question for a common man? Is it happening due to the lack of PPE or severity of the virus? But anyway, it is the sadistic part of the story in the backdrop of the Covid-19 that has been taking a heavy toll on the medical fraternity.
The International Health Emergency is becoming more critical at this juncture, when a lot of voices of resistance, criticism have been emerging on part of the medical community. In many countries including the Western ones, doctors and nurses have been putting up their papers for resignations. These healthcare staff have been asked to do their duties without the PPE. Even the nurses reported that the senior doctors are not attending the patients without PPE, rather only the assistant staff have been asked to do the same. Additionally, the doctors and nurses have been working day long and day nights, indirectly impacting their own health as well.
The WHO (Report 2006), had underlined the gravity of the healthcare professional shortage. It stated that there is worldwide lack of 4.3 million healthcare professionals including the doctors, midwives, nurses and support workers. About 36 out of 57 African countries have been facing severe shortage of the healthcare professionals. Even the developed countries like the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany etc have also been facing the severe shortage, citing the reason of international migration including the limited capacity of existing medical institutions. What are the implications in case of shortage of medical and paramedical staff exist in almost all the countries? Shortage of medical and paramedical staff affect the quality of the medical care of the citizens, increased workload directly affecting doctors and indirectly the patients safety; costly healthcare system due to less competition; and ultimately leading to the untimely deaths of the patients even after spending a lot of money as capacity allows.
China was reported as the first country, where the report of doctor’s death due to the corona infection made the main headline in the print and electronic media. Gradually, the doctors and nurses in many countries have died while attending the coronavirus affected patients. As per the report of Newsweek (10 April), more than 200 doctors, nurses and healthcare workers have died combating with the coronavirus across the world including the most affected countries like China, Italy, Spain, US, UK, France, Iran etc. Italy is being an epicenter of the coronavirus deaths, has been standing on the top of death list. About 120 death of doctors and nurses have taken place in Italy; followed by 24 (Indonesia); 19 (UK); 13(China); 12 (Iran); 11(Spain); 5 (France): 02 (US): 1 (Greece); 1(Poland) ; 1 (Pakistan) 2 (India) etc. The most serious situation in this respect is the case of Italy, where more than 100 doctors and 30 nurses and nursing assistants have died due to infection from the coronavirus patients. In the UK, it becomes a double disadvantage when the doctors and nurses have been dying from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME).
At this juncture, it is difficult to say with certainty, the curse of corona how long it will take? How long will it take to reach its peak and how many people would come in its trap? But it’s for sure that most of the governments have knelt down before the monster of corona. Until now, there is upward trends in the deaths due to the corona infection, Starting from a few hundred deaths given the coronavirus, the same has reached to 117,586 and 1,888,975 as confirmed cases. The major paradox is that developed countries come on the top of death list. The US is standing at the top with 22,877 deaths; followed by Italy -20,465; Spain -17,489; France-14,393; UK-11,329; Iran 4,585; Belgium-3,903; China whereas coronavirus is originated, deaths amounted to 3,341.
Generally, it is being argued that the coronavirus has still been under control in the developing countries, which is barely digestible. The rationale of the argument is that the testing of the coronavirus cases has not been carried out at the mass level due to the lack of testing kits. Whereas the developed countries have become hotspot and epicenters of the coronavirus cases due to tests at the major level if not at all mass level. To me, it seems that it is something paradoxical, where health security and the system are being proclaimed as the fundamental rights of the citizens could become hotspot and epicenters over the developing countries where the ratio of doctors per capita is very low as compared to the developed countries.
One more paradox emerges in this critical situation. If neoliberal system is so generous, how the neo/liberal countries, that are the strong advocates of liberal system, have been facing the shortage of basic healthcare PPE systems including the doctors and nurses? Why, even minuscule part of the medical community raising their resistance and criticism for the lack of PPE and why these people have been putting up their papers for resignation, at the time when their services are of prime importance for national/health/personal security?
Most important paradox is increasing the suicidal tendencies among the doctors/nurses/nursing assistants. As per the study of Hawton et. al., (2011), the suicide risk has been increased in certain occupational groups in general and especially in the medical-related professions. The major highlight of the study of Bachmann (2018) underlines the gravity of situation that the female doctors have higher suicide rates than men whereas in common people it is in reverse order. The major causes responsible for doctors/nurses suicides vary but the share common ones such as are patients’ cares, heavy workload, lack of autonomy, work-family conflicts etc.
Deaths of doctors/nurses/nursing assistants simply means, the health care systems of the developed/developing countries have become paralyzed. It is one the noblest professions, and if these people have not only been leaving the services rather many of them putting up their papers for resignation, it raises serious alarms and alerts for the governments to rethink the existing health care systems. The doctors/nurses who are supposed to take care of patients, if they per se have been suffering from suicidal syndromes, how can patients be taken care of?
Therefore, it is suggested that the shortage of the doctors/nurses must be taken care of by the respective governments. These people should be provided with adequate protective equipment. Working loads of doctors/nurses may be set proportionally to maintain the balance between profession and family. Efforts are to be made to set the identical working/services conditions to avoid the team conflict and differences between doctors and nurses.
Of course, moral values may be given an important place in the medical profession curriculum to keep them in high spirit, avoid suicidal syndromes and to promote the concept of selfless service. The important point in this respect is that medical education is to be made cheaper, so that it would be accessible to the marginalized people. One can hope, by taking these steps, paralyzed health system may be revived and the untimely death of doctors along with patients deaths can be made preventable.
**Dr. Bawa Singh* is teaching at the Centre for South and Central Asian Studies, School of Global Relations, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India.
The post COVID-19 Killing Doctors: Paralysis Of Health Services? – OpEd appeared first on Eurasia Review. Reported by Eurasia Review 1 hour ago.
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